
Additional Prequalification pool for ICT equipment related suppliers



TITLE OF TENDERAdditional Prequalification pool for ICT equipment related suppliers

World Vision is a child-focused Christian humanitarian organization implementing development programs in 30 Districts of Rwanda. Our interventions in the strategic period of 2021-2025 seek to reach 2 million of the most vulnerable children. This is done through programming in Resilience and Livelihoods, WASH and Health, Child Protection and Education

World Vision hereby invites all companies and firms specialized in the field to participate in the competition on open equal conditions for pre-qualification of vendors for ICT equipment and other related products

The selected suppliers will work with World Vision Rwanda for a period of two (2) years.

  • Note : Please be informed This is a re-advertisement for the advert no” WVR/SCM/PO/2024/02/030“therefore companies who expressed interest before are not invited to express interest again.

Instruction to bidders:

  1. Bidders are informed that all tendering process and bids submission will be done through (online) WVR e-procurement (Coupa), no hard copies will be accepted.
  2. Please fill all the requested details through this link; ICT Prequalification Pool; as part of your expression of interest. The deadline to express interest is on 1st/08/2024 at 10:00 am.
  3. After the submission of the express of interest, World Vision team will send an email to all suppliers, companies and firms to access WVR e-Procurement system (coupa) where they will have the tender document for bidding instruction and BoQ to fill in unit prices.
  4. Bids must therefore be submitted only via WVR e-procurement not later than the date which will be provided in the system.
  5. Any bidder who will meet challenges during the expression of interest and bid submission can request for support to this email:

Done at Kigali, 7/27/2024

Pauline Okumu

National Director

World Vision Rwanda

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