Call for expressions of interest.
Anti-corruption training for the International Gorilla Conservation Programme (IGCP) staff
April 2024
1. Background and Introduction
The International Gorilla Conservation Programme (IGCP) is a coalition of three international conservation organizations (Conservation International, Fauna & Flora and WWF) which was formed with the mission to ensure the long-term conservation of the mountain gorillas and their afromontane high altitude forest habitat.
The programme operates in the three countries that share the habitat of the mountain gorillas Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda and Uganda, and works in close partnership with the Protected Area Authorities of the three countries Rwanda Development Board (RDB) in Rwanda; Institute Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN) in DRC; Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) in Uganda. IGCP also works closely with the umbrella mechanism for transboundary collaboration through the Greater Virunga Transboundary Collaboration (GVTC). Furthermore, IGCP maintains a large number of partnerships with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Community Based Organizations (CBOs), conservation and research institutions, private sector and local government.
IGCP is strongly committed to preventing corruption and fraud in all its forms, among all its staff and contracted parties. IGCP abides by the anti-corruption policies and guidelines from the three countries, as well as coalition members and donors. As much as IGCP aims to fight any deliberate acts of corruption and fraud, it also recognizes the importance of preventing corruption that may be induced by insufficient knowledge about the matter. In this regard, IGCP is looking for a competent consultant to provide anti-corruption training to its 13-15 staff members from the three countries, including Finance & Administration staff as well as Technical/Programmatic staff.
2. Objectives
The main objective of the training is to equip IGCP’s staff with strong knowledge and skills to prevent corruption and fraud in all IGCP’s operations and activities.
Specific objectives are to:
- provide staff with complete knowledge and information related to corruption and corrupt practices in the workplace;
- empower staff with skills and knowledge on controlling and preventing corruption, individually and collectively;
- equip staff with knowledge and information on where and how to report a suspected corruption case through a whistleblower system;
- coach the team on promoting anti-corruption ethics internally and within IGCP’s partner Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs);
- through discussions, assess individual and institutional gaps in preventing corruption and fraud.
3. Training organization, methods and schedule
The training is tentatively scheduled in the second week of May 2024, to be held physically in Rwanda over 2-3 days, and conducted mainly in English with some translations/interventions in French. Training methods will include:
- Collective training session: On general understanding of corruption and preventive mechanisms.
- Training and discussions in groups: To assess gaps and draw recommendations.
- Evaluation: To evaluate acquired knowledge from the training.
The final organization, methods and schedule will be defined based on recommendations from the consultant and agreements between both parties.
4. Key deliverables/outputs
The main outputs of the consultancy are:
- Anti-corruption manual to help the team during and after the training.
- Physical training session.
- Training report that highlights consultant’s observations and clear recommendations.
5. Profile of the consultant
The successful consultant should possess the following qualifications and experience:
- Be legally registered and recognized in anti-corruption field.
- Relevant professional skills and a matching experience in undertaking assignments of a similar nature and scope.
- A good understanding of the anti-corruption policies and regulations in the three countries.
- Proficient in English, and French preferably.
6. Responsibility and reporting procedures.
The consultant will be responsible to the IGCP Director for contractual obligations and to IGCP Deputy Director for technical matters during the delivery of the assignment.
7. How to apply
Interested applicants with relevant practical skills and experience are invited to submit their application with details as indicated below:
The Letter of expression of interest to include:
- A suitability statement including CV with details of qualifications and experience.
- A technical proposal that summarizes methodology and tools to be used.
- A financial proposal in Rwanda Francs outlining all the costs.
- Work-plan clearly indicating the activity schedule.
- Recommendation from previous clients where similar engagements were successfully accomplished.
Both technical and financial proposals and other supporting documents should be sent to the following email address: procurement@igcp.org, copying in jhirwa@igcp.org and wmakambo@igcp.org. The deadline for submitting applications is April 22, 2024 at 3:00 pm EAT.