“Today I experienced something that actually set me back a little. It didn’t set me back because I was shocked but because I got to witness it first-hand.
With all the hate fueled by color, belief, sexual preference, or race it actually pisses me off. Why, because most of it is based on what they read in the papers. Most aren’t based on personal experiences.
This young black male (teen) exited the backseat of a van he was in while it was pouring rain took his coat off and protected this elderly white female from the environment the best he could all the way to her car.
He then walked back to his car all while not saying a word to his Auntie or Mom when he exited or re-entered. I followed him to the van and approached the driver who was his mom. I told this young man I was impressed, and he should be proud because I was. His mom had no idea what was happening because she thought she had done something wrong since I was in uniform.
I told his mom she has done an amazing job with him and I hope and pray he goes places. She started tearing up because I was a cop and took time out of my day to call him out on what I witnessed.
I know the chances of this reaching his mom are slim, but kid you impressed me.
This kid could care less about race, religion, or color. The only thing this kid cared about was being kind. Kiddo If you see me on the street again this guy owes ya dinner. If you ever need anything I will come running to ya.”
Credit: fopminui/ Independence Police Department