P.O BOX 864 Kigali, Rwanda
Title of Tender: Supply of Office Stationaries under Framework Agreement
Tender Reference Number: SGR/OT/04-2025
Procurement Method: Open Tender
Date of Issue: 7th February 2025
Submission Deadline: 18th February 2025
Sustainable Growers Rwanda (SGR) is a local NGO having a goal of improving the livelihoods of low-income women farmers and their families through collective training that creates the basis for more transparent trade, improved quality and higher prices in the coffee sector.
In this perspective, Sustainable Growers is looking for potential qualified companies to supply Office Stationaries under Framework Agreement.
1.The bidder shall send the following documents:
- Detailed Technical Specifications
- Price Schedule and delivery timeframe
- Quality Certifications (where applicable)
- Manufacturer’s Authorization (where applicable)
- Warranty terms and conditions
- After-sales service provisions
- Quality assurance measures
2.The following administrative documents should also be provided along with the requirements above mentioned:
- Copy of certificate of incorporation from RDB indicating company shareholders
- Valid tax clearance certificate from Rwanda Revenue Authority [RRA]
- Valid Social Security clearance certificate from RSSB
- Must have an experience of not less than three years, at least (3) original or notarized references required
- A confirmation that the bidder has Electronic Billing Machine [EBM]
3.Other Requirements:
- Detailed breakdown of prices must be provided in Rwandan Francs (RWF) and must include all taxes and costs related to delivery to SGR offices
- Prices shall not change for the duration of the contract
No |
Item description |
Unit Piece |
1 |
A4 suspension file |
pcs |
2 |
Archive box (kaki 36x26x210mm |
pcs |
3 |
Binder clips 15mm |
pcs |
4 |
Binder clips 16mm |
pcs |
5 |
Binder clips 19mm |
pcs |
6 |
Binder clips 25mm |
pcs |
7 |
Business card holder |
pcs |
8 |
corrector ink |
pcs |
9 |
Desk organizer |
pcs |
10 |
Envelop A3 |
pcs |
11 |
Envelop A4 |
pcs |
12 |
Envelop A5 |
pcs |
13 |
Envelop small white |
pcs |
14 |
Files paper blue |
pcs |
15 |
Filing bolder (various colors) |
Pack |
16 |
Filing box (hard folder) small/plastic/various colors |
pcs |
17 |
Filing folder (black) |
pack |
18 |
Flip chart big size |
pcs |
19 |
flip chart stand |
pcs |
20 |
Heavy duty Shredder with 1-Gallon pullout basket, 30min continuous run |
pcs |
21 |
Highlighter/yellow, blue, green, pink |
pcs |
22 |
Ink pad |
pcs |
23 |
Key holders |
pcs |
24 |
Marker different colors (snowman) |
Dozen |
25 |
Notebook A 48 pgs. |
pcs |
26 |
Notebook A3 |
pcs |
27 |
NotebookA4 |
pcs |
28 |
Notepad A4 |
pcs |
29 |
Notepad with plastic cover |
pcs |
30 |
Office dust bin |
pcs |
31 |
Office tray/organizer |
pcs |
32 |
pair of scissors |
pcs |
33 |
Paper clips 32mm/33m |
pcs |
34 |
Paper clips 50/51mm |
pcs |
35 |
Paper clips 78mm |
pcs |
36 |
Paper glue |
pcs |
37 |
pen (black)-bic |
pcs |
38 |
Pen (blue)-bic |
pcs |
39 |
Pen Red)- bic |
pcs |
40 |
Pencil |
pcs |
41 |
pins mixed colors |
pcs |
42 |
Plastic binding spiral /21 rings, 6mm |
pcs |
43 |
Plastic file |
pcs |
44 |
Post it yellow/ big |
pcs |
45 |
Post it yellow/ small |
pcs |
46 |
Power extension (kadrips) 6 sockets |
pcs |
47 |
Punching machine/ big |
pcs |
48 |
Punching machine/middle sized |
pcs |
49 |
Scientific calculator 12 digit |
pcs |
50 |
Scotch for paper small |
pack |
51 |
Sharpener |
pcs |
52 |
Sign here stickers different colors |
pcs |
53 |
Signature book |
pcs |
54 |
Simple document file/Paper file |
pcs |
55 |
Small &simple notepad with spiral A5 |
pcs |
56 |
Sole tape/adhesive paper transparent with a holder |
pcs |
57 |
Sole tape/adhesive paper white big |
pcs |
58 |
stamp ink |
pcs |
59 |
Stapler middle size |
pcs |
60 |
stapler remover |
pcs |
61 |
Stapler small size |
pcs |
62 |
Staples 26/6 |
pcs |
63 |
White board small (precise the size) 120*240 |
pcs |
64 |
White board small (precise the size) 60*90 |
pcs |
Guidelines, policies and ethics
All bidders must commit to the guidelines in the SGR Procurement Procedures Manual. The procedures followed by Sustainable Growers Rwanda in making any award and contract resulting from this tender, will be in accordance with the:
- SGR Procurement Manual,
- SGR Anti-terrorism and Anti-money laundering Policy
- SGR Anti-fraud, bribery and corruption Policy
Conflict of Interest and Disqualification Provisions
Bidders shall not have a conflict of interest, such as submission of more than one bid in the same process, except as alternative offers permitted under the rules; association with a staff member involved in the awarding of the bids and also a bidder must disclose any relation with a staff member
Sustainable Growers Rwanda encourages all bidders to conduct themselves with integrity.
Sustainable Growers Rwanda will automatically disqualify the bidder that attempts to:
- Change or omit any information related to this RFQ
- Inappropriately influence this Procurement Process;
- Enter into an arrangement with any other party that such party shall refrain from submitting a tender response;
- Enter into any arrangement with any other party (other than another party that forms part of your consortium bid or is your proposed sub-contractor) as to the prices submitted
- Engage in direct or indirect bribery, corruption or canvassing by you or your appointed advisers in relation to this Procurement Process
- Obtain information from any of the employees, agents or advisors of the Sustainable Growers Rwanda concerning this Procurement Process (other than as set out in these RFQ Conditions) or from another potential supplier or another tender response,
Additionally, Sustainable Growers Rwanda will automatically disqualify the bidder that:
- Are currently blacklisted by the Rwanda Public Procurement Authority or Sustainable Growers Rwanda itself
- Have received corruption-related convictons in Rwanda or elsewhere
- Have unresolved disputes with previous service contracts
- Are in bankruptcy proceedings
- Are excluded under applicable regional or international conventions
- Is received after the submission deadline
- Contains omissions, gaps, misrepresentations, errors and/or uncompleted sections
- Contains handwritten amendments with no initial of the authorized signatory
- Contains ambiguous information that might mislead the tender evaluators
- Is not submitted in a manner consistent with the provisions set out in this RFQ
Evaluation Criteria and award
The agreement will be signed between Sustainable Growers Rwanda and the bidder whose offer follows the RFQ instructions, meets eligibility requirements, and receives the highest score out of a determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria. If required, the bidder will also present the samples of tools for evaluating that are complying with specification required.
The best bidder will be chosen through a quality acost-based selection method in accordance with SGR procedures. Sustainable Growers may conduct negotiations with and/or request clarifications from any offer prior to award.
Please note that if there are significant deficiencies regarding responsiveness to the requirements of this RFQ, an offer may be deemed “non-responsive” and thereby disqualified from consideration. It is anticipated that award will be made solely on the basis of the original proposals.
Sustainable Growers Rwanda reserves the right to withdraw this tender at any time and without notice and liability. Sustainable Growers Rwanda, reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation without being obliged to give any reasons in this respect.
Tender costs
You are responsible for obtaining all information necessary for preparation of your tender response and for all costs and expenses incurred in preparation of the tender response. Sustainable Growers Rwanda will not be responsible of any cost you incurred during the preparation of this procurement, irrespective of whether or not your tender response is successful.
Confidentiality and Information Governance
All documents related to this RFQ shall remain the property of Sustainable Growers Rwanda. Sustainable Growers Rwanda reserves the right to disclose all documents relating to this Procurement Process, including without limitation your tender response, to any employee, third party agent, adviser, or other third party involved in the procurement in support of, and/or in collaboration with Sustainable Growers.
Notification of tender award
In accordance with the evaluation criteria in this RFQ, all bidders shall receive formal notification of bidding outcomes. Successful bidders shall receive detailed award documentation.
RFQ Validity period
The bid validity period shall be 60 days.
Interested and qualified companies must submit their bid documents electronically via: recruitment@sustainablegrowers.org not later than 18th February 2025 at 5:00 PM (17h00) local time. Late bids will be automatically rejected.
Questions regarding the technical or administrative requirements of this RFQ may be submitted by email to: recruitment@sustainablegrowers.org by 11th February 2025, 05:00pm.
Only the written answers issued by Sustainable Growers Rwanda will be considered official and carry weight in the RFQ process and subsequent evaluation. Any verbal information received from employees of Sustainable Growers Rwanda or any other entity should not be considered as an official response to any questions regarding this RFQ.
Sustainable Growers Rwanda may at any time request further information from potential suppliers to verify or clarify any aspects of their tender response or other information they may have provided. In case you do not provide supplementary information or clarifications to Sustainable Growers Rwanda by any deadline notified to you, your tender response may be rejected in full and you may be disqualified from this Procurement Process.
Done at Kigali, on 7th February 2025
Christine Condo
Executive Director – Sustainable Growers