
Tender Notice for the Supply of office stationery and materials to theNational Council of Nurses and Midwives


Title of Tender: Supply of office stationery and materials

Tender number: 02/OCB/2024-2025/NCNM

The National Council of Nurses and Midwives (NCNM) is a regulatory body, established by Law № 25/2008 of 25/07/2008. Its principal function is to protect the public from any harm that may result from the practice of a nurse or a midwife, by setting standards of education and practice, as well as registering only those who are eligible and competent to practice.

The National Council of Nurses and Midwives (NCNM) invites eligible and interested individuals or companies to bid for the tender to supply office stationery and materials, for the tender № 02/OCB/2024-2025/NCNM, as indicated in detail in the statement of requirements.

Eligible bidders may obtain bidding document from the NCNM Procurement and Logistics office (on the 1st floor of the NCNM building), upon presentation of bank slip of a non-refundable fee amounting to Five Thousand Rwandan francs (5,000 RwF) deposited into account № 000400030662642 opened in Bank of Kigali (BK) in the name of NCNM.

Well-printed and properly bound bids labelled “Tender to supply office stationery and materials to the National Council of Nurses and Midwives” must be submitted to the office of the Procurement and Logistics officer, in sealed envelopes not later than Monday, 24/03/2025 at 10:00 am localtime(08.00 AM GMT). Late bids will not be accepted.

The opening of bids will take place the same day at 11:00 am localtime (09.00 AM GMT), local time in the Conference Hall of the NCNM in the presence of bidders or their representatives who wish to witness the public bids opening session.

Interested bidders may obtain further information in working days at the National Council of Nurses and Midwives Offices located at Kicukiro Centre, KK 15 Road, KK514 Street, House 80; Opp. Kicukiro District Head Offices; P.O Box 4259 Kigali, E-mail:; or call on the Tel.0788386969/0782134119.

Done at Kigali 24/02/2025

KAGABO Innocent

NCNM Registrar

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