The purpose of the 3-year Scottish Government funded CJC Programme is to implement effective climate justice interventions focusing on community voice and needs, prioritizing marginalized communities, women, and people with disabilities, and considering the Scottish Government’s pillars of climate justice. The CJC Programme will be “of” and “for” the community: communities will be engaged in a participatory, culturally sensitive manner to identify climate-change-related needs (in their own terms) then design interventions (owned by them) to respond.
The Programme is implemented across 3 Districts and jointly in consortium with Trocaire (Principle Sub-Contractor) and local delivery partners including Rwanda Climate Change and Development Network (RCCDN), its members organizations (DUHAMIC-ADRI, DUTERIMBERE NGO as well as the National Union of Disabilities Organisation Rwanda (NUDOR).
As part of our ongoing interventions, there is an activity to procure, distribute and install water storage tanks of 5000ltrs each in targeted community households in targeted sectors highlighted above, including retrofitted houses. This activity aims to address water scarcity issues and promote water conservation practices within the community. Harvested rain water is also meant to help community members in irrigation of their vegetable kitchen gardens as well as other house cleaning.
- To procure and distribute 60 water storage tanks of 5000 Ltrs each to households identified as high-need within the targeted community in 3 phases covering the period July to August 2024.
- To install water storage tanks at households, ensuring proper placement and connection to roof tops to maximize harvest of rain water from roof surface.
- To provide training and education households on the maintenance and efficient use of water storage tanks.
Scope of Work: The scope of work for the distribution and installation of water storage tanks includes but is not limited to:
- Procuring appropriate water storage tanks based on the needs assessment and in compliance with relevant quality standards.
- Developing a distribution plan to ensure equitable distribution of water storage tanks among targeted households.
- Coordinating with local authorities and community leaders for smooth implementation of the assignment in close collaboration with the project field staff.
- Organize and conduct training sessions to household members on the proper use and maintenance of water storage tanks.
- Providing technical assistance during the installation process to ensure safe and effective placement of water storage tanks.
Deliverables: The following deliverables are expected to be achieved within the assignment timeline:
- Procurement plan detailing the specifications and quantities of water storage tanks to be purchased.
- Distribution plan outlining the distribution strategy and timeline for delivering water storage tanks to targeted households.
- Training sessions conducted for households on the use and maintenance of water storage tanks.
- Installation report documenting the installation process, including photographs and any challenges encountered.
Timeline: The assignment is expected to be completed within 2 months from 20th July to 19th September 2024. The timeline should include specific milestones for each phase of the project, including needs assessment, procurement, distribution, installation, training, and monitoring.
Budget: A detailed budget breakdown should be provided, including costs for procurement, transportation, installation, training, and monitoring activities. The budget should be realistic and aligned with the project objectives and deliverables.
Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Experience and expertise in executing similar assignments.
- Understanding of the local context and community needs.
- Feasibility and sustainability of the proposed approach.
- Cost-effectiveness of the proposed budget.
- Capacity to deliver the assignment within the specified timeline.
Submission of Proposals: Interested parties are invited to submit their proposals in accordance with the guidelines provided in this terms of reference document. Proposals should be submitted by 16th July 2024 at info@duterimbere.org.rw.
Done in Kigali on 5th July 2024
Executive Secretary