1. Introduction
WaterAid is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1981 and focused on improving vulnerable people’s access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH) in developing countries. WaterAid Rwanda is one of the many Country Programmes of WaterAid around the world and it was officially registered and started operating in Rwanda in 2010. WaterAid Rwanda works with various partners including the Ministry of Infrastructure for overall coordination and performance of the WATSAN sector including policy work.
WaterAid’s Vision is a world where everyone has access to safe water and sanitation. Our mission is to transform lives by improving access to safe WASH in the world’s poorest communities, WaterAid works with partners to maximize its impacts for policy change/influence.
WaterAid Rwanda works through supporting local organizations and government to plan and implement inclusive and sustainable services of WASH. WaterAid Rwanda also seeks to influence policy change through government and other key WASH stakeholders to secure and protect the rights of vulnerable people to safe, affordable water and sanitation services.
2. Background information on project
Community One Health Empowerment in Rwanda and Senegal (COHERS) is a four-year project funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC), implemented in a consortium led by Veterinary Without Boarders (VWB). In Rwanda, it is implemented in Nyamagabe district by University of Global Health Equity and WaterAid Rwanda. COHERS project will empower communities, especially women and girls, to improve health outcomes through application of One Health (OH) model to prevent, detect, and respond to prevalent zoonoses, building on the sectoral and local expertise of , the Center for One Health at UGHE, WaterAid and our local partners.
The COHERS project is implemented in Nyamagabe District, three sectors (Kibumbwe, Tare and Cyanika) in 20 selected villages, to increase application of OH at the community level and improving healthy behaviours related to human-animal-environment interactions. Our model strengthens training and resourcing of community One Health Teams (OHTs) for gender responsive OH application and empowers community members, especially girls and women, in zoonoses control, specifically targeting cysticercosis/taeniasis, caused by the T. solium parasite.
COHERS centres women and girls as key OH actors for extension services and household practices, recognizing that discrepancies exist in medical and veterinary access and strong gender roles persist for livestock rearing, WASH, and food preparation.
A gender progressive approach is therefore integrated through all project elements, . COHERS contributes to national OH strategies, strengthening OHTs at the community level, establishing new local coordination channels (linked to vertical reporting to relevant authorities) and demonstrating fiscal efficiency and effectiveness of community-level OH for managing zoonoses.
3. Objectives of the consultancy
The purpose of the Environmental and social assessment is to;
- Assess the potential environmental and social risks associated with the project interventions. This will involve identifying potential positive and/or negative impacts on physical, biological, socio-cultural environment and other relevant factors including safeguarding issues.
- Collect E&S baseline conditions on all existing areas under interventions,
- Develop mitigation measures to minimize or eliminate adverse environmental and social impacts related to project interventions.
- Ensure compliance with local, national, and international environmental and social regulations and standards. This involves assessing how the project aligns with laws and guidelines related to environmental protection, community engagement, and health and safety management.
- Engage stakeholders, including local communities, NGOs, and government agencies, to gather input on potential impacts and mitigation measures to ensure that the concerns and perspectives of Project Affected Persons (PAPs) including female headed houses etc and other affected parties are considered in project planning and implementation.
- Assess the environmental and social impacts of the proposed project interventions(construction of water and sanitation infrastructures);
- The impacts of natural hazards and climate change on the proposed construction of water and sanitation infrastructures project, and
- Propose mitigation measures and suggest project timing in relation to the processes of project preparation and implementation.
4. Scope of the assignment
The Environmental and Social Assessments (ESA) shall be conducted for the planned project interventions in Nyamagabe. ESA studies shall include the collection of baseline data, including environmental (biological and physical) and socio-economic conditions; the identification and assessment of possible impacts (positive and negative) likely to be caused by the proposed interventions; the proposal of mitigation measures; and the preparation of a comprehensive Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plans. The whole process will involve stakeholder consultations, community engagement, and collaboration with WaterAid Rwanda and Nyamagabe District. ESA study shall be done according to the National laws and regulations related to ESA. and undergo WA and GAC approval process. The studies shall also be done in compliance with Environmental and Social standards (ESS), Volcano Community Resilience Project (VCRP)Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and undergo approval process.
The consultant will perform the ESAs in Nyamagabe District the following villages as shown in the table below:
Sector |
Villages |
Kibumbwe |
Nyamirama |
Munini |
Cyanika |
Gatentwe |
Nyamirama |
Mugari |
Mbeho |
Kagarama |
Kabarera |
Kinga |
Buhiga |
Kagarama |
Gishike |
Tare |
Kagarama, and |
Kiminazi, |
Muse, |
Akanyirandori, |
Buremera, |
Ruganza, |
Rukoko |
Uwinyana |
Prior to conducting the ESA, the consultant will elaborate the inception which will be reviewed by WaterAid. The consultant will provide the analysis of environmental effects and their significance in the project area, describe the initiative’s effects (for all components/activities and phases) on the environmental components and determine the significance of these effects to environmental characteristics of the study area that are relevant to project citing or design, or to the formulation of mitigation measures. Include information on any changes anticipated before the project commences. In particular, the consultant will include.
- The initiative’s positive and adverse effects on the biophysical and human environment
- The environment’s effects on the initiative (e.g. likely weather-related phenomena, such as cyclones and other tropical storms, tornadoes, floods, wildfires, and drought; as well as likely geology-related events, such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, and landslides);
- cumulative effects (e.g. the effects that are likely to result from the initiative in combination with other structures, initiatives, or activities that have been or will be carried out in the area);
- effects of potential accidents (e.g. the risks of pollution associated with chemical product spills) or malfunctions (e.g. the risks for workers’ health and occupational safety in the event of machinery malfunctions).
- The consultant will determine the likelihood and impact of each of the predicted effects utilizing GAC’s risk assessment levels (Step 4: , including the likelihood, utilizing GAC’s risk management assessment utilizing the likelihood and impact criteria (Step 4 https://www.international.gc.ca/world–monde/fundingfinancement/risk_management–aspx?lang=eng) and proposed mitigation measures.
- The consultant will propose follow-up and monitoring activities to enure that mitigation measures proposed are implemented and are effective leading to sustainability.
5. Timeframe
The assessment will be conducted in 30 days starting after signing a contract.
6. Role of WaterAid
- Provide all the necessary documents for the consultant to review and produce inception report.
- Induction of the consultant to the COHERS project
- Review data collection tools
7. Expected Deliverables
The expected deliverables are as follow for each feasibility study’s ESA:
- Inception report: inclusive of a detailed work plan, methodology and schedule: In the inception phase, the consultant will undertake consultations, analysis of existing documents, and come up with an inception report. The report will describe in detail the approach, methodology and work plan to be used in executing the assignment. The inception report will also indicate the assumptions of the consultants, required documentation and inputs from the Client and any requirements that may have not been covered by the terms of reference, but that are deemed necessary by the consultant for the successfully accomplishment of the assignment. The consultant will convene an inception workshop for discussing the report to get feedback/comments after which the consultant will incorporate the feedback received and share with WaterAid Rwanda the final version of the inception report for approval. The inception report will be done based on preliminary findings of study for which the ESA is being developed.
- Draft ESA Reports: After site visits and stakeholder consultations, the consultant will develop the draft ESA in the format and outline prescribed in the final inception report and National EIA guidelines. The consultant will present the draft ESA to WaterAid Rwanda and GAC for comments and approval.
- Draft Final ESA Reports: Upon reception of the draft ESA report by the client, a review workshop of key stakeholders will be organized to review the draft report and provide comments to the consultant. The consultant will then update the draft report and submit it to the client and RDB as the draft final ESA report for quality check.
- Final ESA Reports: Project stakeholders will review the draft final ESA report for quality assurance and ensuring all comments on the draft report are well addressed. From the feedback of the stakeholders through the client, the consultant will then update the draft final report accordingly and develop the final ESA reports together with all the relevant tools. The final reports will require approval by WaterAid Rwanda and GAC (issue certificates and clearance).
8. Ethical Considerations, Confidentiality and Proprietary Interests
The ESA must adhere to WaterAid’s Global Evaluation Policy, Global Standard on Child Safeguarding and Code of Conduct.
The ESA will require ethical approval from legalized Institutional Review Board to allow WaterAid Rwanda to publish the findings in different journals where necessary. The survey will also be carried out under the authorization of Respective Mayor of the Districts.
WARW will ensure confidentiality of interviewee statements are respected, refraining from making judgmental remarks about stakeholders, and collecting informed consent before any data is collected.
9. Mode of payment
The payment will be made in three instalments: 20% advance for the first draft of the inception report is submitted, 40% advance for the draft ESA report and 40% final payment after submission of final report and other relevant documents.
10. Expected competency.
Interested consultants/consulting/research firm(s) are expected to have the following competencies and experience:
- Holds at minimum a master’s degree in related fields preferably in Environmental Management, Environmental studies or Environmental Engineering, WASH Engineering, Environmental Health and Public Health
- Certified by RAPEP (Practicing Certificate)
- At least five (5) years working experience in conducting Environmental and Social Assessment Ifor donor funded projects;
- Evidence of experience/certificates of good completion in implementing at least three (3) Environmental and Social Risk Assessments for international organizations or donor-funded projects,
- Strong background in WASH and have conducted similar exercises with International NGOs or Government Institutions
- Competency and track record of conducting impact assessment of WASH projects.
- Competency in writing good quality reports in English
11. Application
- Potential qualified individual consultants or companies are encouraged to submit both technical and financial proposals including:
- Technical proposal: including a plan of execution of the assignment above mentioned, clear description of proposed methodologies, schedule of work, and the names and CVs of consultants and their roles. Capacity statement with a description of previous experience and demonstrated ability to perform this assignment and three referees.
- All application must be submitted before 1stJuly 2024 COB.
- Technical and financial proposals will be submitted to WARwanda@wateraid.org;