East African Community created a force to go to eastern DRC to support the government in resolving the problem. Their mandate was to start with a ceasefire.The message was clear that if any party didn’t want the ceasefire, maybe that force would take on that one. The intent was to allow political processes to move on and resolve the issue.
First, the DRC had veto powers to disqualify one of the EAC members and we said fine as long as this contributed to peace and resolving the problem, Rwanda has no complaint about not being involved. we will stay away.
After some time, the EAC forces were expelled. EAC seems to have ceased to exist when it comes to this case because we have never been told what really happened.
As the EAC forces were being expelled from DRC, the government in DRC was already manipulating within SADC group of countries to bring a force to replace the EAC.
In a way, they were creating a conflict and a misunderstanding between SADC and EAC. There was not even a communication on whether, let’s hamormonise or work together, no. It was an outright replacement.
Why should it happen that way? why cant people even have a discussion about it?
There is a way people work and communicate together to avoid unnecessary problems.
I am surprised that countries( SADC) can be involved on such glaringly wrong side. I am surprised that they can participate in something where they are seen to be used by the wrong side for maybe what it is providing to them”.
“The FDLR has been in DRC for 30 year and there is the UN Force that was created mainly to address that or the conflicts around that problem.
The UN Force has been there for decades, tens of billions of dollars have been spent on that operation and there is no out come at all.
You spend so much and you are not interested in the returns of that investment! It shows you that there is something else at hand that is operating and people decide to ignore it. Maybe it is also to perpetuate the problem actually.
I think some people would be interested in keeping the problem going on forever so that they can use it for whatever interest they have in DRC or they can use it to manage Rwanda in whatever way they want to manage Rwanda.
It is also sort of a way to look for an explanation and fend off the explanation for the responsibility in what happened here in Rwanda [30 years ago] ” —Pres Kagame talking to @ntvkenya
Src: Dachronica