
Tender for Supply of Furniture and other related


Tender Notice NO: 010/SOS-CV/NCB/G/2024

TITLE: Tender for Supply of Furniture and other related


SOS CHILDREN’S VILLAGES RWANDA (SOS CV RWANDA hereby invites sealed bids from eligible bidders specialized in the Supply of Furniture to submit their offers for the tender related to the Supply of Furniture and other related.

Participation is open on equal conditions to all companies or enterprises specialized in the field. The companies must be registered with the Trade Register of the Republic of Rwanda and should not be on the blacklist recorded of any recognized national or international Institutions. The tender is composed of one indivisible lot.

Tender Document may be obtained by lodging a request at with a copy to upon attachment of proof of payment of a non-refundable fee of RWF 10,000 (Ten thousand Rwandan Francs) paid to the account of SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda account number: 400418314910177 entitled SOS-CV RWANDA TRUST opened in BPR. (No physical document is allowed).

All bids “shall” be accompanied by a “a bid security from financial institutions equivalent to One Million Rwanda Francs (1,000,000Frw).

Enquiries regarding this tender may be addressed to the SOS CHILDREN’S VILLAGES RWANDA through the e-mail: with a copy to

Well-presented bids, properly organized must be sent to SOS CHILDREN’S VILLAGES RWANDA through the e-mail: with a copy to not later than 10th/06/2024, at 10:00 a.m local time. Late bids shall be rejected. Note that on the e-mail subject shall bear the word “Tender for Supply of Furniture and other related”.

Done at Kigali 21st/05/2024

Jean Bosco KWIZERA

National Director

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