
Expression of Interest (EOI) Photography, Videography, Graphic design, Proofreading and Editing, and media relations services

Expression of Interest (EOI)

Photography, Videography, Graphic design, Proofreading and Editing, and media relations services.

Reference Number:83465676

Publication date: 17.05.2024


The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federally owned international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. The GIZ Office in Kigali covers GIZ’s portfolio in Rwanda and Burundi. GIZ Rwanda/Burundi implements projects on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the European Union and other commissioning authorities in the following priority areas: Sustainable Economic Development; Good Governance; Climate, Energy and Sustainable Urban Development; Digitalization and Digital Economy; and regional projects in the Great Lakes Region.

General information

Brief information on the project

The project “Capacity Development for the Implementation of Rwanda’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)” is implemented from October 2022 to September 2026 by GIZ in Rwanda as a technical cooperation module with funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The political partner of the project is the Ministry of Environment of Rwanda (MoE), and other actors include sectoral line ministries, the Rwanda Green Fund (RGF), the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA), the Rwanda Development Bank (BRD), the private sector and financial institutions, the science and research community, as well as civil society organizations.

Being embedded in the German-Rwandan Climate and Development Partnership, which was signed in March 2022 between the two governments, the NDC project’s overall objective is to enhance the institutional and financial framework conditions of relevant state and non-state actors in Rwanda for the coordination, implementation and monitoring of Rwanda’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). This objective is achieved through the provision of technical advice and capacity development to enhance the organizational and process-related capacities of the MoE staff for the coordination of the NDC implementation, as well as the enhancement of the technical and organizational capacities of public institutions for NDC mainstreaming across relevant sectors. Furthermore, the project improves the access of private sector actors (e.g. Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, SMEs) to funding for NDC implementation through the provision of training measures that are aligned with their capacity needs. The project supports as well the establishment of gender-responsive cooperation formats to promote science and evidence-based climate policy advice in cooperation with the representatives from German and Rwandan science and research institutions, governmental and civil society organizations.

By improving the capacities and conditions of the MoE and other relevant state and non-state actors to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the country’s NDCs, the project helps to better inform evidence-based decisions regarding the further development of the national climate goals. It strengthens the approaches of public institutions, particularly sectoral ministries, to integrate the NDC into selected policies, strategies and plans, including for better monitoring across the sectors, which can result in enhanced quality sectoral data on NDC implementation to inform the central Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system of Rwanda. The project further strengthens climate-related initiatives carried out by the private sector and civil society actors that contribute to NDC implementation through products and services that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increase the population’s resilience to the impacts of climate change. It fosters the private sector’s potential for innovation, green jobs creation and the promotion of the Rwandan economy’s resilience, hence contributing to Rwanda’s economic transition towards becoming a green and carbon-neutral emerging economy. Finally, the project supports the Rwandan government’s efforts to create the necessary conditions to strengthen the population’s resilience to climate change impacts and improve the quality of life of those affected by the environmental risks and related economic consequences.


For its effective communication and to promote its visibility, the Capacity Development for the Implementation of Rwanda’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) project is looking to contract a company that will provide the following services: photography and videography, graphic design, proofreading and editing, and media relations.

These services will be held on retention for the duration of the contract (1year) and will be called upon from time to time for any relevant occasion such as project events, activities, publications and more during the said period.

The services required in this contract are elaborated as follows:

Photography and Videography

Project photography and videography of the Capacity Development for the Implementation of Rwanda’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) is important to highlight and document project activities, events and impact in a compelling storytelling style. We require high-quality visuals that effectively showcase the project’s work, capturing moments of empowerment, collaboration, and progress.

These images and videos should narrate the project’s contribution to the journey towards sustainable development and climate resilience, portraying the engagement of local stakeholders in NDC implementation and community-driven climate adaptation initiatives.

Adhering to GIZ photography guidelines and standards is essential to ensure technical excellence and ethical considerations. Additionally, obtaining consent from all individuals involved in the visuals is mandatory to uphold privacy regulations and foster respect and inclusivity. Ultimately, the goal is to produce visuals that not only aesthetically look good but also ethically align with the project’s values, ready to be utilized in publications and presentations to demonstrate the tangible impact and success of our efforts.

Graphic Design

Graphic design plays a pivotal role in visually communicating the impactful work of the project. From designing banners, presentations and to crafting publications’ visual layout, graphic work will be required for a number of communication products to visually embellish and simplify their content.

During the process, GIZ branding guidelines must be respected and followed at all times. A briefing on the branding will be given by the project contact person with whom coordination during this process should be done.

The graphic designer ought to possess exceptional visual communication skills with the ability to simplify complex climate language into easily understandable designs accessible to all. Through these products, our aim is to showcase the project’s activities and its significant impact in Rwanda through simple, attractive, and compelling visual representations.

Proofreading and Editing

Periodically, the project generates publications such as reports and papers intended for broader distribution. It is imperative that the content undergoes thorough grammatical and lexical review by a professional. These raw publications must be meticulously scrutinized for grammatical errors and other inconsistencies and subsequently edited to ensure clarity, conciseness, and error-free content.

Media Relations

Periodically, the project will host newsworthy activities and events. The contracted company will be responsible for mobilising and securing media coverage about these newsworthy events to up to five national media outlets per event (5 news outlet per event), including newspapers, radio stations, and television channels, to secure positive media coverage. Coordination with the project contact person will be essential, as they may determine the selection of specific media outlets based on relevance and audience reach. Should there be a need for financial compensation for media coverage, it will fall under the responsibility of the contracted company.

  1. GIZ shall hire the contractor for the anticipated contract term, from 01.06.2024 to 31.05.2025.
  2. The contractor shall provide the following work/service:
  3. Photography and videography services. The contractor will provide high quality photo/videography products in accordance with GIZ Photography and branding guidelines and standards.
  4. Graphic Design services: In coordination with the project contact person, the contractor will create visually compelling products to be used in the project communication and PR work.
  5. Proofreading and Editing services: The contractor will provide proofreading and editing services for clear, concise and error-free publications.
  6. Media Relations services: The contractor will mobilise and secure positive media coverage for newsworthy project events and activities.

Period of assignment: from 01.06.2024 to 31.05.2025.



Criteria for acceptance

Produce high quality photography and videography products

Upon request during the contract period

Photos and videos will be taken according to GIZ Photography and branding standards and guidelines.

Produce visually appealing communication products

Upon request during the contract period

High quality, visually compeling and engaging communication products; branded following GIZ Branding guidelines.

Ensure clear, concise and error-free communication materials and publications.

Upon request during the contract period

Proofread, clear, concise and error-free communication publications.

Ensure positive media coverage of project events and activities.

Upon request during the contract period

Media coverage following the briefing and coordination with the designated project contact person.

Tender requirements

1. Qualifications of proposed staff

1.1. Expert 1: Photographer and Videographer

1.1.1. General qualifications

Education: A degree or equivalent certification in photography, videography, or a related field is preferred.

Professional experience: At least 3 years of experience in professional photography and videography, with a portfolio demonstrating proficiency in capturing events and activities effectively.

1.1.2. Experience in the region/knowledge of the country:
The required professional experience above must be in Rwanda.

1.1.3. Language skills

Business fluency in English: C1

Proficiency in English and Kinyarwanda is preferred to ensure clear communication with project stakeholders and compliance with consent declaration requirements.

1.2. Expert 2: Graphic Designer

1.2.1. General qualifications

Education: A degree or equivalent certification in graphic design, visual communication, or a related field is preferred.

Professional experience: At least 3 years of experience in graphic design, with a portfolio showcasing the ability to create visually appealing and impactful designs for various mediums.

Experience of 1 year in climate graphic design is an additional asset.

1.2.2. Experience in the region/knowledge of the country

Experience required above may be acquired in Rwanda or elsewhere.

1.2.3. Language skills

Business fluency in English: C1

Proficiency in English and/or the local language, facilitating effective communication and understanding of project requirements and messaging.

1.3. Expert 3: Proofreader and Editor

Education: A degree in English, journalism, communications, or a related field is preferred.

Professional experience: At least 5 years of experience in proofreading and editing, preferably in the context of publications related to climate change, sustainability, or development.

1.3.1. Experience in the region/knowledge of the country

Experience required above may be acquired in Rwanda or elsewhere.

1.3.2. Language skills

Business fluency in English C2

Exceptional proficiency in English, with a keen eye for detail and strong grammar skills.

1.4. Expert 4: Media Relations

1.4.1. General Profile

Professional Experience: At least 5 years of experience in media relations, public relations, or communications, with a proven track record of mobilising and securing positive media coverage.

Language Skills: Proficiency in English and Kinyarwanda.

Knowledge of Rwanda’s Media Landscape: Familiarity with Rwanda’s media landscape, including newspapers, radio stations, and television channels, is essential.

Ability to negotiate media coverage and manage relationships with media outlets effectively is an additional asset.

2. Quantitative requirements

Per-diem and overnight accommodation allowances are reimbursed as a lump sum up to the maximum amounts permissible under tax law for each country as set out in the country table in the circular from the German Federal Ministry of Finance on travel expense remuneration (download at

All travel activities must be agreed in advance with the staff member responsible for the project.

Sustainability aspects for travel

GIZ would like to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 emissions) caused by travel. When preparing your tender, please incorporate options for reducing emissions, such as selecting the lowest-emission booking class (economy) and using means of transport, airlines and flight routes with a higher CO2 efficiency. For short distances, travel by train (second class) or e-mobility should be the preferred option.

If they cannot be avoided, CO2 emissions caused by air travel should be offset. GIZ specifies a budget for this, through which the carbon offsets can be settled against evidence.

The market for carbon credits is made up of a large number of providers, each with different claims as to their climate impact. The Development and Climate Alliance has published a list of standards. GIZ recommends using the standards specified there.

Fee days

Number of experts

Number of days /hours per expert


  • Implementation
  • Photo/Videographer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Proofreader and Editor
  • Media Relations

15 days
30 days
15 days
8 days

Travel expenses

Number of experts

Number of days/nights per experts


  • Per-diem allowance outside Kigali (in Rwanda)



  • Overnight allowance outside Kigali (in Rwanda)


3 days

  • Travel costs outside Kigali (in Rwanda)


4 days

Other costs

Number of experts

Amount in total


· Flexible remuneration

Not Specific

RWF 2,500,000

A budget of RWF 2,500,000 is foreseen for flexible remuneration. Please take this budget into account in your price schedule.

Use of the flexible remuneration item requires prior written approval from GIZ.

Calculate your financial bid exactly in line with the quantitative requirements of the specification of inputs above. There is no contractual right to use up the full days/travel or workshops or budgets. The number of days/travel/workshops and the budgets will be contractually agreed as maximum amounts. The regulations on pricing are contained in the price schedule.

Since the contract to be concluded is a contract for works, you should offer your services at a fixed lump sum price, which provides an itemised breakdown of all the relevant costs (fees, travel costs, etc.). The specification of inputs should provide guidance in this respect. The assessment of the financial bid is based on the lump sum price tendered, which must be realistic for the services to be rendered. In the contract itself, the budgets will be contractually agreed as maximum amounts.

Requirements on the format of the tender

The CV submitted for each expert can have a maximum of four pages. The concept (if required) should not exceed five pages. If one of the maximum page lengths is exceeded, the content appearing after the cut-off point will not be included in the assessment. External content (e.g. links to websites) will be only considered only if they are secure and referencing the required profile portfolio.

Annex / Attachments

Submission of offer: The Expression of Interest should contain the following:

Technical Proposal:

  • A cover letter expressing your interest in this assignment
  • Technical proposal with a brief description of why you would be considered as the most suitable for the assignment, relevant expertise, and a detailed, clear methodology, your approach to complete the assignment, template attached.
  • Company registration certificate (RDB)
  • VAT-Registration certificate
  • Latest tax clearance certificate
  • Proof of successful completion of related assignments.

Financial Proposal: The price per service category must contain all relevant costs supported by a breakdown of each cost. The costs must be in RWF and VAT

Please submit electronically your EoI (technical & Financial offer) in 2 separated emails and should be in PDF files to this email until latest 31st May 2024

Please you must write on each email subject this sentence:

83465676 Technical/financial offer, without this sentence, your offer may not be considered

Hard copies are not allowed this time

GIZ reserves all rights

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