Job Opportunities at Rwamagana District

1. Health and Sanitation Officer (14 Positions)
Job Description
- Implement the District’s community health and sanitation plan in accordance with federal policies and initiatives;
- Plan and carry out sector-level public awareness programs on health and sanitation issues, including the prevention and control of illnesses and malnutrition;
- At the sector level, monitor the caliber of services provided by healthcare facilities and compile information on the state of medical insurance plan enrollment, including Mutuelle de Santé;
- Keep an eye on how money used to promote vulnerable people’s sanitation and community health is distributed and used.
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Health Sciences, Clinical Psychology, Public Health, Community Health, Hygiene and Sanitation, Health Sciences with 0 Year of relevant experience
2. Good Governance and Specific Programs Officers (14 Positions)
Job Description
- Implement excellent governance and targeted programs and strategies at the sector level and combine data/reports coming from Cells regarding these;
- Organize programs aimed at enhancing good governance by keeping an eye on how sector-level good governance and specific programs are operating.
- Plan and carry out efforts to educate the populace on the value of sound governance and particular initiatives;
- Gather complaints and concerns from the populace, channel them, and follow up;
- Keep an eye on Abunzi activities and strengthen them by developing capability;
- Coordinate reports from Cells on umuganda operations in the Sector and prepare and monitor those reports;
- Examine and use all reports from the Cell Councils in order to find problems that the Sector Council should address.
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration, Administrative Sciences, Educational Sciences, Development Studies, Philosophy, Political Sciences, Rural Development, Community Development, Governance with 0 Year of relevant experience
- Advanced Diploma in Education Sciences, Rural Development, Public Administration, Administrative Sciences, Political Sciences, Governance, Community Development, Development Studies, Philosophy with 0 Year of relevant experience
3. Local Revenue Collection & Inspection Officers (14 Positions)
Job Description
- Maintain and frequently update the Sector database of taxpayers, including their tax clearance status;
- Plan routine mobilization activities to inform taxpayers of the rules and legislation governing taxes;
- Conduct routine sector-level fiscal inspections and impose tax compliance and recovery actions.
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, Financial Management with 0 Year of relevant experience
4. Business Development and Employment Promotion Officers (14 Positions)
Job Description
- Execute the District’s strategy and initiatives for the sector-level promotion of cooperatives, SME, and employment;
- Encourage the establishment and growth of new commercial hubs or markets;
- Determine, depict, and advertise tourism and business potential in the Sector;
- Run campaigns to encourage saving, and engage in advocacy work to foster networking and create synergies with microcredit and saving organizations to make it easier for the community’s residents to access finances;
- Make it easier to collect information on the state of employment in the industry;
- Control the sector-level deployment of business development advice services;
- Compile, combine, and update information about the employment situation in the District that is both aggregated and de-identified.
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Project Management, Management, Entrepreneurship, Rural Development, Business Administration, Micro-Finance, Business Economics with 0 Year of relevant experience
5. Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
Job Description
- Combine strategic planning materials produced by several District units and sectors;
- Advise departments and sectors on how to develop and/or assess SMART indicators throughout the planning phase and how to properly use them during M&E;
- Provide the Director of Planning and Monitoring & Evaluation with recommendations on necessary revisions and/or changes after analyzing activity implementation progress reports from District Units and Sectors;
- Review the progress of the programs and projects being run by all stakeholders within the District and determine how they contribute to the attainment of its development goals.
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Project Management, Management, Development Studies, Rural Development, Business Administration with0 Year of relevant experience
6. Documentation and Archives Officer
Job Description
- Create and maintain a documentation and archiving system for the City of Kigali in compliance with standards and practices that have been internationally evaluated;
- Create and implement an information classification and access policy with the help of concerned staff;
- Oversee the system for purchasing and borrowing books and other documents, working with the logistics officer and other relevant divisions, and create the corresponding annual budget;
- Conduct an annual inventory of the books and records the City of Kigali has acquired and see to their upkeep;
- Continue to effectively catalog and index books, and frequently update the documentation database for the City of Kigali;
- Gather and distribute newspapers, government publications, and any other public (policy) documents, and alert library patrons of new additions.
Minimum Qualifications
- Advanced Diploma in Office Management, Library and Information Studies, Bibliotheconomy with 0 Year of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Office Management, Library and Information Sciences with 0 Year of relevant experience
Hit the link to apply