Call for application for a Professional Training on SPSS
Course Code: EPRN06/PT/24
Dates: from 19th to 21st July 2024, 9am-4pm (weekend program).
Venue: University of Rwanda, Gikondo Campus
- Introduction
SPSS (Special Package for Social Sciences) is one of the most popular software packages for conducting statistical analysis.
In everyday analysis researchers encounter categorical variables (e.g. Marital status, gender, income groups, district of residence, age groups, occupation, area of residence, to name but a few). This training will demonstrate how to deal with these types of variables using SPSS software. The emphasis will be put on transforming these variables and analyzing relationships among them using regression techniques, in order to inform decision making and evaluation. The training will be practical; participants will work on existing datasets for practices.
The training will be practical; participants will work on existing datasets for practices.
- Course content
The course content includes:
- Accessing data entry and importing from other sources
- Manipulating data to create new data fields
- Generating descriptive statistics
- Presenting data in tables and graphs for analysis and reporting
- Exploratory data analysis
- Assessing whether differences and correlations between groups and data fields statistically significant
- Basic trend analysis
- Levels of measurement of variables
- Correlation & regression Analysis
- Levels of measurement of variables, a refreshment
- Creating dummy variables for regression analysis
- OLS with categorical regressors
- Ordinal regression
- Binary logistic regression
- Multinomial logistic regression
- Prohibit regression
- Analysis of relationships in data
- Statistical reports and graphs
- Drawing conclusions based on statistical analysis
- Discriminate analysis
- Logistic regression (Binary & Multinomial)
- Survival Analysis (Kaplan-Meier)
- Cluster & Factor analysis
- Exploring relationships between variables
- MANOVA : multivariate analysis of variance
- Repeated Measures ANOVA
- Producing and editing charts & pivot tables
- Training methods
The training course will be run in a workshop style with a high degree of participants’ involvement. Adult learning methodologies will be employed, and participants will not be passive. Debate and open discussions will be encouraged. The trainer will use a mix of presentations to define and explain key concepts and practical exercises. Trainees are encouraged to bring their own laptops. EPRN will provide SPSS software (training version).
- Certificate
EPRN will issue completion certificates to participants who will successfully attend the course and pass the course test. Pass mark is 60%.
- Training fees, venue and date
- Members: 60,000 Rwf
- Non-members: 100,000 Rwf
This training will be held at University of Rwanda, Gikondo Campus (former SFB building) from 19th to 21st July 2024, 9am-4pm (weekend program).
- Payment process
To book your space, kindly proceed by paying the training fees through the following bank details:
- Bank Account: 00040 06945750 07 RWF (Bank of Kigali)
- Title of the Account: Economic Policy Research Network
Scan the bank slip and send it to: info@eprnrwanda.org OR bring the hard copy of bank slip to EPRN office at University of Rwanda- Gikondo Campus (former SFB).
You can also pay through MTN MOMO PAY (*182*8*1*030683#) or through PayPal on our website (www.eprnrwanda.org) and notify us through info@eprnrwanda.org
NB: Tailor-Made Course
We can also do this as tailor-made course to meet organization-wide needs.
If you need further clarifications, call us through: 0788357648 or write to us: info@eprnrwanda.org
Kigali, 03/07/2024
Executive Director