Jobs at Muhanga district

Foremen/Forewomen Of Schools Construction
Job Description
- To direct masons and laborers by providing them with technical know-how while adhering to specifications drawings made by MINEDUC;
- Report the status of the on-site work on a weekly basis and as appropriate, along with a copy to the executive secretary of the sector where you are working;
- To check that the construction work adheres to the guidelines and criteria established by MINEDUC;
- To maintain all supplies, tools, and equipment used to carry out all tasks and to create a report on how materials from the District and Sector levels were used;
- To regularly fill up a log of the tasks completed and supplies utilized on the job site;
- To uphold moral principles and confidentiality at work both during and beyond the term of the contract;
- To report on the District School Construction Engineer and/or the MINEDUC School Construction Field Officer on a daily basis by text messaging;
- The Employee agrees to carry out the service to the best of their professional and ethical ability.
- To ensure project activities adhere to any additional safeguard requirements, site-specific ESMPs, and environmental and social standards that apply to this project;
- To make the site-level grievance resolution process more functional.
Minimum Qualifications
- A1 in Building & Construction, Construction Technology, Building & Construction Technology with 2 Years of relevant experience
- A2 Certificate in Construction Technology with 2 Years of relevant experience
Competency and Key Technical Skills
- Integrity
- Exceptional problem-solving abilities and strong critical thinking abilities.
- Inclusiveness
- Accountability
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Citizen/client focus
- Professionalism
- Dedication to lifelong learning
- Understanding of environmental standards on a global scale
- Ability to control resources
- Abilities to solve problems
- Ability to make decisions
- Leadership qualities
- Talents in risk management
- Driven by results
- Abilities in digital literacy
- Fluency in French, English, or Kinyarwanda. Having knowledge of everything is advantageous.
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