Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) will conduct a public auction of used items on Friday 7 February 2025 starting from 10:00 AM at RALGA offices in Masaka Sector, Kicukiro District, near Masaka Hospital.
Items to be auctioned included Office furniture and equipment including chairs, cupboards, computers, and other IT devices.
Interested bidders are welcome to visit the items under sale at the RALGA office from 29-31 January 2025 between 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
The list of all items is available on RALGA’s website www.ralga.rw.
Terms and Conditions:
- The method to be used will be open-bid auction
- The highest bidder will be awarded the asset at the price they bid.
- Payment must be made in full not later than 3 days after notification.
- RALGA will not be responsible for any damage to the items after the auction.
Done at Kigali, on 24 January 2024.
Dominique HABIMANA
Secretary General