Did you know that an unexpected act of kindness can make anyone’s day? Read the story

One recent Saturday afternoon, Volusia County Sheriff’s Department Officer Cameron Tucker and his wife, Justine, were eating an early dinner at the Zaxby’s restaurant in Deland, Florida.
It was just a regular day and a regular dinner, until a young man approached the couple. That young man was named Juan, who is an African American college student.
He asked the police officer if he could pray over him, to keep him protected. Cameron and his wife were surprised by this, but certainly accepting of the young man’s offer. With that, Juan put his hand on Cameron’s shoulder and prayed for his safety in his dangerous profession.
Justine posted about it on her Facebook page, saying: “After crying my eyes out, we got to have an amazing conversation with this gentleman. He was on fire for God and you could feel His presence in the room. He said that he felt compelled to talk to us and to pray over Cameron.”
Juan plays football at Stetson University right there in Deland and he’s a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.When he was in high school, he graduated with honors.
The photo taken of Juan praying over the officer, which was taken by Justine, has been shared more than 25,000 times, with many, many comments.
Juan’s grandmother, Berta O’Neil, was extremely proud of her grandson in doing what he did in that photo. It showed just how powerful a young person’s actions can be. And ever since Juan prayed over Cameron, the two have kept in regular touch.
Src: fopminui