Request for Expression of Interest for Partnership in Shared Agency Banking Services
Introduction and Background:
Umwalimu SACCO is a Savings and Credit Cooperative licensed by the National Bank of Rwanda on February 22, 2008 and has been providing microfinance services to its members, who are primarily educators and education sector workers.
Over the years, Umwalimu SACCO has experienced significant growth in both membership and services. As of December 31, 2024, we proudly serve 162,331 active members across all districts, with total deposits amounting to Frw 112,657,361,927.
In response to this growth, and to enhance the efficiency of our service delivery, Umwalimu SACCO is seeking to partner with a reputable fintech company to offer shared agency banking services to its members. This initiative will supplement our existing channels and provide our members with increased access to financial services.
In this regard, Umwalimu SACCO is pleased to invite all interested Fintech companies to express their interest in partnering with us for the implementation of this shared agency banking solution.
The deadline for expression of interest is February 4th , 2025, at 5 PM Rwandan Time
(CAT). Expressions of Interest must be submitted electronically to: umwalimu.sacco@umwalimusacco.rw . PDF format as attachments to the email.
The subject in the email should read “Expression of interest for Partnership in Shared Agency Banking services”
Expressions of interest should include and will be evaluated based on the criteria below:
- RDB Registration certificate
- Tax clearance certificate
- Company profile together with evidence of at least 1 or more experiences of related service produced in the region
Successful companies will be provided with additional information and invited to send partnership proposal for the service and invited to a demo. Only locally registered firms are encouraged to apply.
Right to Reject: Umwalimu SACCO reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to reject all EOI received and seek fresh process, to defer or to cancel the process and make no invitations for proposals/quotations, if appropriate.
Umwalimu SACCO will not compensate any responding firm/company for any costs associated with the preparation and submission of their expression of interest.
Director of BGD Director General