SME Policy Specialist at Ministry Of Trade And Industry (MINICOM)

Job responsibilities
- Formulate the SMEs development strategies
- Initiate the SME Clusters development strategies
- Ensure a proper implementation of SME Clusters development strategies in place
- Initiate and coordinate the SME Forum program
- Advise on matters related to SME projects viability, risks and uncertainties
- Lay strategies that assist companies to graduate from informal to the formal sector
- Facilitate SMEs access existing legal services and improve contractual arrangements.
Minimum qualifications
- Bachelor’s Degree in Economics
3 Years of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies
3 Years of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Economics
1 Years of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Development Studies
1 Years of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Entrepreneurship
3 Years of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurship
1 Years of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Business Administration
1 Years of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration
3 Years of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Agribusiness
3 Years of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Agribusiness
1 Years of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Commerce
1 Years of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce
3 Years of relevant experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Enterprise Management
3 Years of relevant experience
- Master’s Degree in Enterprise Management
1 Years of relevant experience
Required competencies and key technical skills
- Resource management skills
- Analytical skills
- Problem solving skills
- Decision making skills
- Time management skills
- Risk management skills
- Results oriented
- Digital literacy skills
- Knowledge of formulating and analyzing policies, strategies and action plans
- Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
- Knowledge of the SME sector and its associated value chains
- Knowledge of gaps and potential opportunities for investments in SME sector
- Knowledge of Rwanda’s entrepreneurship, industrial and trade related policies and Strategies